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What Farmers Really Need
  • What Farmers Really Need




    Author : Prem Singh | Johan D'hulster

    32 pages  |  Paperback

    • About the Book

      Until now, the importance and the position of farmers and women farmers in our society has very rarely been addressed, if ever acknowledged. Moreover, great confusion has arisen about what the essential role of agriculture in society should be.

      The authors of this booklet show the need of self-confidence, self-respect and a sense of honour as the primary condition to grant farmers and women farmers the courage to strive for self-sufficiency. Prosperity in society is created when farmer families gain autonomy of thought in matters of soil fertility, seed, water and energy.

      A society can last only on the base of a harmonious relationship with the natural wealth. There is no culture without agriculture.

      Prem Singh (1964) is a founder and promoter of the Humane Agrarian Centre, BadokharKhurd (Banda, India). He is born farmer and is likely in search of co-existential methods of agriculture, preserving of seeds, cattle farming etc. which sustains nature, soil and environment. His main concern is the well-being, happiness and standard of living of all farmers of India.

      Johan D'hulster (1955) is the founder and farmer of the organic vegetable farm Akelei (Schriek, Belgium). He is keenly interested in investigating various types of sustainable agricultural methods practised all over the world. In this search he visited India many times and works practically in various states of the country.

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